- the dollar is really getting sold these days
- Gold & Silver are on the rally tracks today
Good day… And a Tom Terrific Tuesday to one and all… Well, this won’t be a normal Pfennig this morning, as I am whacked! I haven’t been able to sleep much for the last two nights… I feel like death warmed over, and I’ sure it’s the infusions doing the trick on me… I’ve been up all night again, and need to sleep, so back to sleep I’ll go as soon as I get a few points across…
I truly don’t feel lie writing today, and hopefully I’ll recover by tomorrow.
All I have to say is that While Chuck was away, the currencies played! The dollar has lost a ton of ground, with the BBDXY ending Feb. At 1,290, and ending yesterday at 1,269… The euro has bulked up to trade with a 1.07 handle, and the rest of the currencies are following the BIG DOG off the porch to chase the dollar down the street.
One would think that Gold would be on the rally tracks, and while it is lately, it had ended February down several days, and on Feb 28th, Gold ended the month at $1,258… and Gold ended the day yesterday at $2.889… Silver suffered the same treatment and ended February at $31.21, and then ended yesterday at $32.18… These aren’t bad outcomes, but they should be a whole lot better, if you ask me!
One thing that I do want to point out this morning is that there was a report the other day that said, that “money supply in the U.S. is growing”… Now for all of you who follow Chuck’s definition of inflation… Money Supply is inflation… So, we all have that to look forward to…
In the overnight markets last night, the dollar continued to get sold, with the BBDXY losing 2 more index points, and Gold is on the rally tracks this morning, up $24 to start the day, and Silver is joining in and is up 44-cents to start the day…
I’m feeling a little low right ow, so I’m going to cut this off and get it out..
Market Prices 3/11.2025: American Style: A$ .6263, kiwi .5699, C$ .6770, euro 1.0897, sterling 1.2934, Swiss $1.1335, European Style: rand 18.2552, krone 10.6706, SEK 10.0691, forint 376.64, zloty 3.8483, koruna 22.9106, RUB 85.62, yen 147.05, sing 1.2323, HKD 7.7694, INR 87.22, China 7.2348, peso 20.34, BRL 5.8563, BBDXY 1,267, Dollar Index 103..54, Oil $66.69, 10-year 4.24%, Silver $32.61, Platinum $987.00, Palladium $982.00, Copper $487. And Gold… $2,913.84
That’s it for today, sorry for the abbreviated version especially after me being gong for so long… Yesterday was my good friend, Rick B. Celebrating his birthday… We went to lunch to celebrate it, and then he got on a plane and went home, after spending the last week with me, and my whining, and bellyaching, and needed help… Thank you Rick and Kevin! I hope you have a Tom Terrific Tuesday today, and please Be Good To Yourself!
Chuck Butler