December 24, 2022
Today, is totally different from the other days of the Pfennig… Merry Christmas to all…
And now to keep with tradition…
Well, here we as in olden days, happy golden days of yore… Faithful friends who are dear us gather near to us once more… What a great Christmas song, eh? I sure wish something like that could be written these days, but I’m not here to complain… I’m here to spread a little joy, to one and all, and to all a Good Day!
T’was the Night Before Christmas
And the song of the Grinch
Is playing in my head…
And I thought, the crybabies on Wall Street,
Would be changing the words to:
You’re a mean one Mr. Jay
With your rates hikes one must pay
Then the song: when my heart finds Christmas is playing
And it’s Mr. Jay responding to the crybabies…
When my heart finds Christmas
I hope to stop the rate hikes soon…
I could go on with the songs forever, but… it’s time to move on..
The stockings are hung by the Chimney with care
In hopes that St. Nick soon would be there…
Ahh.. what will the boys and girls get this year?
The children are all snug and warm in their beds
While visions of X-boxes and drones dance in their heads…
Where has the traditional Christmas gone?
Remember going downtown to see the store windows?
Oh, well, I digress…
One thing I know for sure… I’ll be home for Christmas!
So, in my younger days, I was always the neighborhood
And school Santa Claus… So, I’ll revert to those days and
Begin to give out the gifts!
A lump of coal for:
War mongers
Someone who dispenses our Oil reserves
The Fed/ Cabal/ Cartel
The money printers…
The geniuses behind the stimmy checks
And a double load of coal for;
The Big 8 Boullion Banks with
Short positions in Gold & Silver
And so this will remain a nice letter:
For Frank Trotter:
a virtual bank without red tape
For all the ex EverBank employees!
For my beloved Cardinals:
A starting pitcher that throws strikes!
For my doctors:
A year away from me!
For the doctors & nurses in the ER at St. Claire Hospital
All the accolades one can bestow on anyone!
They saved my life, and for that…
I hope they have a very blessed Christmas!
I can’t forget my buddies at the local watering hole
I hope they get something bigger than a beer
How about a beer truck?
For my dear readers:
Two weeks in January without me bugging you
With the question: Got Gold?
And my kids…
For Dawn: A calmer life…
For Andrew: A state Championship in Water Polo
For Alexander: A hunting site all his own!
For my grandkids…
For Delaney Grace: An audition to sing and dance!
For Everett: A sport, chose one! And be the best!
For Braden: Soccer balls and a video game!
And for little Evie: All my love…
For my Beautiful Bride…
A year of not having to worry about me…
And finally.. For my friends & neighbors
A barbeque on Labor Day!
These things and more I hope to come true
It’s one of those things that
I haven’t a clue…
But it’s fun thinking about them!
So, everyone could hear him exclaim as he drove out of sight
Merry Christmas to All… And to All A Good Night!
PS I added this little ditty a couple of years ago,
And you know me with Tradition… So here goes
Merry be your Christmas, Peaceful be your home,
Joyful be your Family, Blessed Be Each One…
Chuck Butler
Christmas December 2022…