Good day…. And a Marvelous Monday to you! This is not a regular Pfennig today, just the update on my visit to MD Anderson Cancer Clinic last week…. But first, I want to mention that on New Year’s Eve, Dec. 31st, it will mark 50 years since we, you and me, have been able to own physical Gold legally…. Here are the good folks at GATA:
“Fifty years ago, President Gerald R. Ford legalized private gold ownership, allowing Americans once again to stack the regal metal as a wealth-preserving asset and safe haven against monetary inflation and dollar depreciation. Gold futures trading and market meddling also began in the United States a half-century ago.
So, we can rejoice in that anniversary, eh?
Well, the trip to Houston didn’t work out too well…. The oncologist there, the one that saved my jaw from the surgeon 14 years ago, told me that he had no new chemo for me, and that there were no new chemos on the horizon….
He did mention a trial that he could enter me into if my kidney numbers got better…. So, I came home and went to my oncologist here, and told her about the trial, and she said, “I can do that for you right here”… So, I said, when can we start? We started the day after Christmas with my first infusion of two immunotherapy drugs… Infusion confusion hit me immediately after coming back home from the infusions…. But, I was fine in the end…
OK, this is a shot in the dark…. We have no idea if this trial will work, but for my part, I’m 100% all-in on it…. So, in my mind, it will work, and soon I will be able to eat right again….
I’ll have to return to St. louis every 3 weeks for the infusions… So, there will be lots of Pfennigs missing in the future, just so you know…
That’s all I know from Lake Woebegone….
Chuck Butler