Good Day… And a Wonderful Wednesday to you! Well, I mentioned yesterday that I hadn’t slept much recently, and then… After my morning routine, I sat in my recliner, leaned back and proceeded to sleep all day, into the evening. I woke up refreshed and thinking that I had finally caught up with my lack of … Continue reading “The Dollar Hangs Around While Gold Soars!”

Good Day… And a Tom Terrific Tuesday to you! Well, I was able to handle my second infusion better than the first one last week…. I was still hazy on Friday, but that cleared, and I pronounced myself as good to go! The drugs are still having a party in my stomach, but I’m starting … Continue reading “A Monday Ambush For The Dollar!”

Good Day…. And a Tom Terrific Tuesday to you…. This is the last letter this week, until next Tuesday… So, soak it in…HA! What a beautiful day, weather wise it was yesterday, down here in S. Florida… I went out to the deck to read and actually got hot! Not too hot, but hot, and … Continue reading “No Follow Through On The Dollar Selling, Overnight….”

Good Day… And a Marvelous Monday to you! Well, did you get enough NFL football this past weekend? If not, there’s one more playoff game to be played tonight… The weather here is beginning to turn back to normal and will be in the mid 70’s today…. Plenty of sun to get my Vitamin D…. … Continue reading “The Dollar Soars Higher!”

Good Day… And a Tub Thumpin’ Thursday to one and all! Well, the weather here didn’t get back to normal yesterday, but… I did get outside to read and soak in some Vitamin D, for awhile…. I had to have on my quarter-zip, but other than that it was delightful… I saw the NFL wildcard … Continue reading “Get Ready, Set Go! (For Silver!)”

Good Day… And a Wonderful Wednesday to you! I slept a lot yesterday, I just can’t figure out why I’m so sleepy all the time since I’ve been here… I need for the winter weather here in S. Florida to go back to normal temps, so I can get outside, and then maybe I can … Continue reading “It’s Back To Dollar Buying….”

Good Day… And a Tom Terrific Tuesday to you! Well, my well laid plan to get outside in the sun yesterday, had to wait until 2PM, as I fell asleep as I did my compression pumps on my legs…. And would have slept all day, if I didn’t get a phone call waking me up…. … Continue reading “The dollar Gets Sold Overnight Again!”

Good Day… And a Marvelous Monday to you! Well, the Midwest got hit by a winter storm this past weekend, and winter came to S. Florida… The contrast on temperatures, etc. I won’t get into, because my friends don’t like it when I do! The NFL playoff teams are set, so let the playoffs begin! … Continue reading “The Dollar Gets Ambushed Overnight!”

Good Day…. And a Tub Tumpin’ Thursday to one and all! Happy New Year, and welcome to January…. I know it wasn’t much like January weather in the U.S. this past weekend, but as Bob Dylan sang: A hard rain is going to come…. In my humble opinion, I believe the months have gotten out … Continue reading “He’s Back! And Happy New Year!”