April 19, 2018 * Chuck tells us why we should look to buy euros… * Silver finally gets back above $17! Good Day… And a Tub Thumpin’ Thursday to you! Another cold and snowy day in Chicago yesterday, caused yet another postponed baseball game… My beloved Cardinals lose an “off day” today, … Continue reading “Palladium Continues to Soar!”

April 18, 2018 * Platinum is shining once again! * Chuck treats us to a snippet of his DTL writings… Good Day… And a Wonderful Wednesday to you! Well, if you are a tax preparer procrastinator you received a gift yesterday… The IRS’s online tax filing system crashed on them, and so … Continue reading “Tax Day 2…”

April 17, 2018 * Chuck goes down a rabbit hole… * HKMA spends $1.7 Billion with a B to defend honkers… Good Day… And a Tom Terrific Tuesday to you! Cold, blowing snow, and it was April 16th! What gives, Mother Nature? Crazy weather, eh? Oh well, eventually it will get … Continue reading “Tax Day…”

April 16, 2018 * Gold experiences Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride! * Russian sanctions begin to spread elsewhere… Good Day… And a Marvelous Monday to you! I have no idea where the last 3 days went… The new chemo drug has done the heavy lifting on my tumors, but has put me … Continue reading “U.S. Is taking Debt Higher and Higher!”

April 12, 2018 * Gold soars yesterday, but gets brought back today * Russian ruble gets whacked! Good Day… And A Tub Thumpin’ Thursday to you! The old saying goes… A bad day at the ballpark was better than a good day at work… Well, the outcome of the game … Continue reading “Is All This Stuff Just A Diversion?”

April 11, 2018 * Threat of “War” war spooks the markets * China extends olive branch? Good Day… Well, I finally got through all the emails in the Pfennig Replies. Shame on me, as I had forgotten how many readers respond to a Pfennig when I ask them a question… But get through … Continue reading “Russian Ruble Gets Smack, Crack, Bushwhacked…”

April 10, 2018 * New economic sanctions for Russia… * Did China step away from the auction window? Good Day… And A Tom Terrific Tuesday to you! Right from the get-go this morning, I want to thank everyone who sent me notes yesterday, with all those wonderful words regarding my … Continue reading “Let’s Go Out And Tick Everyone Off!”

April 9, 2018 * Jobs report is very disappointing but the dollar doesn’t get sold! * Who will depreciate first? Good Day… And a Marvelous Monday to you! It was a very cold weekend here in the St. Louis area this past weekend, making me remain indoors, for the most part of … Continue reading “Who Will Blink First?”

April 5, 2018 * Trade War talk softens on Wednesday… * The PPT spreads its wings… Good Day… And a Tub Thumpin’ Thursday to you! I’m not in the mood for Tub Thumpin’ this morning, so hopefully that changes by this afternoon! I reacquaint myself to my St. Louis Oncologist today. She’ll be … Continue reading “It’s Opening Day In St. Louis!”