February 2, 2018 * Ruble continues to get more attention! * Could the A$ Bears be right? Good Day… And a Happy Friday to one and all! It’s Groundhog Day! I know that on the East side of the country, they are very interested in what Puxatony Phil has to tell us about the next … Continue reading “It’s A Jobs Jamboree Friday!”

February 1, 2018 * Currencies founder on Wednesday… * But Chuck thinks it will be short-lived.. Good Day… And Welcome to February, a good month in my book now that I spend in South Florida… We have a holiday weekend, Valentine’s Day, and most importantly, pitchers and catchers report to spring training! And … Continue reading “Fed’s Inflation Warnings Surprise The Media?”

January 31, 2018 * Currencies continue their rebound * Kiwi is best performer overnight! Good Day… And a Wonderful Wednesday to you! Well, I went to the dermatologist yesterday about this reaction on the left side of my face that has my left eye swollen shut. The Dermatologist looked at me and I could … Continue reading “Oops, Did I Say That Outloud?”

January 30, 2018 * Currencies go on a Roller Coaster ride! * Fed’s FOMC begins two day meeting today Good Day… And a Tom Terrific Tuesday to you! I’m feeling much better, although I don’t look like it… The tumor in my jaw continues to grow, and now I’ve had allergic reaction to … Continue reading “Who’s Going To Buy All Those Treasuries?”

January 29, 2018 * Dollar books 7th Week of losses! * But fights back in the overnight markets… Good Day…. And a Marvelous Monday to you! I’ve had a setback after my infusion on Friday, and for the most part, I’ve lived like a hermit all bunkered down with the lights off, and wrapped … Continue reading “A Real, You Know What, Contest By World Leaders…”

January 25, 2018 * A Two day thumping of the dollar! * Gold’s momentum is something to see! Good Day… And a Tub Thumpin’ Thursday to you ! It certainly is a Tub Thumpin’ Day for the currencies and metals, as they attempt to add to their gains yesterday. More on that and other … Continue reading “Mnuchin Disses The Dollar!”

January 24, 2018 * Currencies take dollar to the woodshed! * And metals keep the door to the woodshed shut! Good Day… Another restless night for yours truly… I tried not taking a nap yesterday, but that didn’t help things. UGH! Another beautiful day here, as winter has come and gone from the region. … Continue reading “All This Reminds Chuck Of 2002…”

Chuck Butler’s: A Pfennig For Your Thoughts January 23, 2018 * Kicking the can down the road… again! * Revisiting 2004, and 2005… Good Day… And a Tom Terrific Tuesday to you! I’m just so-so this morning, as I had a rough night of trying to sleep more than 2 hours at a time. … Continue reading “The U.S. Government Shutdown Ends!”

Chuck Butler’s: A Pfennig For Your Thoughts January 22, 2018 * Gold can’t take advantage of Gov’t shutdown! * ECB & BOJ meet this week Good Day… And a Marvelous Monday to you! Well, winter is over here, thank goodness, and we can get back to warmer days with sun filled skies, and all that goes … Continue reading “U.S. Government Is Shutdown!”