October 2, 2018 • by Chuck Butler • No Comments

Rocktober 2, 2018  *Most currencies lose ground on the day * U.S. manufacturing shows signs of weakening…  Good Day… And a Tom Terrific Tuesday to you! 2 tiebreaker games in the National League yesterday was something new for baseball and its fans. The Cubs and Rockies lost so they become the wild card teams and … Continue reading “Loose Lips, Sink Ships…”

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October 1, 2018 • by Chuck Butler • No Comments

Rocktober 1, 2018 * Currencies attempt to rebound after sell off  * Gold continues to get whacked…  Good day… And a Marvelous Monday to you!  Welcome to Rocktober! A longtime Pfennig Tradition of calling this month Rocktober continues… And if I’m about anything in life, it’s “tradition”… A great weekend on my part this past … Continue reading “A New & Improved NAFTA!”

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September 27, 2018 • by Chuck Butler • No Comments

September 27, 2018  * Currencies back off on Fed rate hike * RBNZ leaves OCR unchanged…  Good Day… And a Tub Thumpin’ Thursday to you! Well, my memo to my beloved Cardinals… Pack up the bats boys, it’s all over but the crying… I did something different for me last night… I came home to … Continue reading “Fed To Remain On Dot Path… Or So They Think!”

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September 26, 2018 • by Chuck Butler • No Comments

September 26, 2018 * Currencies remain in dullsville… * Europe finalizes their new payments system…  Good day… And a Wonderful Wednesday to you! All the hope for a good series VS the team in front of the Cardinals has come crashing down all around us! UGH! It appears that the hard charge the Cardinals put … Continue reading “It’s FOMC Day!”

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September 25, 2018 • by Chuck Butler • No Comments

September 25, 2018 *Currencies back off their highs from last week…  * Gold is kept on a short leash…  Good day… And a Tom Terrific Tuesday to you! I have an early morning appt. with my St. Louis oncologist this morning, so this will be a shorter than usual Pfennig today. With that said, my … Continue reading “Why Are The Safe Havens Being Unwound?”

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September 24, 2018 • by Chuck Butler • No Comments

September 24, 2018 Good Day… And a Marvelous Monday to you! Well, I finally came home to stay, at least for a couple of weeks! I had a fabulous time last week, as we visited good friends that live in the Hamptons… And then on Friday, some of my former colleagues visited me at my … Continue reading “”

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September 17, 2018 • by Chuck Butler • No Comments

September 17, 2018   * Currencies trade sideways…  * Who’s buying all those Treasuries being issued?   Good Day… And a Marvelous Monday to you! Well, I had a nasty fall on Saturday night, in a restaurant, I took out a couple’s table, and ended up beaten and battered on the floor! It was not … Continue reading “ECB’s Draghi, Shines A Light On Next Summer…”

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September 13, 2018 • by Chuck Butler • No Comments

September 13, 2018   * Currencies & metals rally on the day! * Wholesale Inflation falls in August?  Good Day… And a Tub Thumpin’ Thursday to you! Another day on the “wonder drug”, and my foot feels soooooo much better this morning. Now it just feels like a small pebble is in my shoe when … Continue reading “Going Down The Debt Collapse Rabbit Hole…”

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September 12, 2018 • by Chuck Butler • No Comments

September 12, 2018   * Currencies drift again but this time higher! * China releases their “official Gold Holdings”… Chuck calls B.S.!  Good Day…. And a Wonderful Wednesday to you! I guess this is becoming the norm, the later in the morning Pfennig, that is… I’m finding that dealing with chemo, and waking up early … Continue reading “The Band Is Going On The Road, Man!”

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