Good day and a Happy Friday to one and all! I’m so ticked off right now that I could spit! I had written the whole letter this morning, and was ready to hit send, when it locked up, and told me it wasn’t responding, then my whole letter, vanished! Gone! I cursed a few words, … Continue reading “China’s PMI Beats Expectations!”

Good day… and a Tub Thumpin’ Thursday to you! I feel like doing some Tub Thumpin’ today, so watch out! HA! Well, I have to start today’s letter with two HUGE apologies… (3 actually, but 2 are HUGE!) My good friend, Duane, has a saying that fits the bill here, when he’s done something, well, … Continue reading “Sentiment Toward The Dollar Fades…”

Good day… and a Wonderful Wednesday to you! I’m looking for something crunchy in the pantry again this morning! I think the infusions have caught up with me. Yesterday I took an afternoon nap, I hadn’t don’t that since adapting to the CPAP machine! But like I said last Friday, “infusions beat CPAP”… Crosby, Stills … Continue reading “Here We Go?”

Good day… And a Tom Terrific Tuesday to you! Well, I was wrong… (Mark that down!) I thought we would be up and running with the email version of the Pfennig yesterday… But there’s more “tweaking” that has to be completed first, so… This remains the only way to view the Pfennig each day… Pink … Continue reading “More Negative Data For The U.S.!”

Good day… And a Marvelous Monday to you! What an absolute, no questions about it, beautiful weekend here in St. Louis, weather-wise, that is, this past weekend. OMG! Beautiful blue umbrella skies, warm but not hot temps, and a breeze from the South… When I was a young man, and we would have days like … Continue reading “Data Returns, But Will It Be Weak or Strong?”

Good day… And a Happy Friday to one and all! I’ve got infusion confusion this morning, and can’t really focus, so this is going to be short-n-sweet today, I promise! I’ve had my CPAP machine for a month now, and while most mornings I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go, that’s not happening … Continue reading “Infusion Confusion Always Wins!”

Good day… And a Tub Thumpin’ Thursday to you! I’ve done my share of Tub Thumpin’ the last two nights, and with today being an infusion day, I’ll have to leave all the Tub Thumpin’ to all of you! Please Tub Thump responsibly! HA! I’m greeted this morning by Chicago, and their song: Old Days… … Continue reading “China’s A Shares Get Added To The MSCI!”

Good Day… And a Wonderful Wednesday to you! Another beautiful day here in St. Louis yesterday. As I’ve always said, “if this keeps up, we won’t be able to afford to live here!” But you won’t ever hear me complain about Chamber of Commerce weather! I’ve whined enough over the years about cold weather, and … Continue reading “AKiss of Death, Or Just A Good Call?”

Good day… And a Tom Terrific Tuesday to you! That felt good just typing that phrase to begin our day here. I’m still as excited as a kid at Christmas that I get to keep writing the Pfennig, thanks to my good friends, Mary Anne and Pamela Aden. I also want to thank my long-time … Continue reading “Debt Goes On and On, Like The Energizer Bunny!”