Good Day… And a Tom Terrific Tuesday to you! Well, a PT guy came to the house yesterday, sent by my doctors, to get me strong again… I told the PT that my youngest son was a PT, and he about turned around and left, but then I told him that my son hadn’t checked … Continue reading “Gold Becomes The Safest Option…”

Good Day… And a Marvelous Monday to you! What a great comeback for my beloved Mizzou Tigers last Saturday! I loved it when QB Brady Cook said after the game that “there was no way we were going to lose this homecoming Game”… Well, until he returned to the game it certainly appeared to be … Continue reading “Gold & Silver Take Off For Higher Ground!”

Good Day… And a Tub Thumpin’ Thursday to one and all! Wel, what a difference a week makes, as I feel this week to be able to participate in any Tub Thumpin’ anyone might want to do today! Last week, a hard no on Tub Thum’in’, but a week later, I’m raring and willing to … Continue reading “Sounding Like A Broken Record…”

Good Day… And a Wonderful Wednesday to you! Brrrr… It sure was chilly around here yesterday, and this morning I woke up to temps in the mid-30’s… YIKES! But the weather guy told me last night that by the weekend it will be warm again… So, that’s good, I only have to wear long pants … Continue reading “Listening To False Promises….”

Good Day… And a Tom Terrific Tuesday to you! The Yankees won their game 1 of the ALCS last night, while the Mets evened their series with the Dodgers… Baseball is baseball to me, I don’t need my beloved Cardinals to be playing to watch a playoff baseball game! Although that would be nice if … Continue reading “Will Gold Be Revalued?”

Good Day… And a Marvelous Monday to you… This is, for some of us, Columbus Day, and for other that like to burst balloons, Indigenous Peoples Day… I used to take Columbus Day off, and not write, but now that I’m so far behind I just had to write today… So, it’s the Dodgers/ Mets … Continue reading “What’s Going On Here?”

Good Day… And a tub Thumpin’ Thursday to one and all! You’ll have to excuse me from participating in any Tub Thumpin’, folks… One thought I had about the last week, while I was in the hospital… Is that, I feel like I’m way too young to have these problems! But, then I think about … Continue reading “He’s Baaaacccckkk!”

Good Day… and I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday today… I’m not sure what’s going on with me… but I’m headed to the hospital this morning to see if they can figure out why my blood oxygen level has dropped so quickly to dangerous levels … So no Pfennig today… Tell you more tomorrow chuck Butler

Good Day… And a Marvelous Monday to you! My beloved Cardinals ended their season yesterday with a win, thus giving them 12 more wins in 2024 than they got in 2023. Of course, it wasn’t good enough to get them into the playoffs…. Barbara Lewis greets me this morning with her song: Hello Stranger… … Continue reading “Oh Woe Is Me…”