Good Day… And a Marvelous Monday to you… It’s Thanksgiving Week! I used to not enjoy Thanksgiving because every year Kathy and I would argue about which parents’ house we would eat at… It was our only argument all year, and therefore I didn’t enjoy Thanksgiving…. (because she always won!) My parents were smokers, and … Continue reading “Friday’s Results Are Thrown Out The Window!”

Good Day… And a Tub Thumpin’ Thursday to one and all! One week away from Thanksgiving… I had a dear reader point out to me that I had started listing Christmas tunes before Thanksgiving…. Wel, that is right, and the reason I do that is because I listen to Pandora’s Smooth Jazz Christmas…. They play … Continue reading “Are We Turning Japanese?”

Good Day… And a Wonderful Wednesday! Well, our string of very nice days for November comes to an end today…. And then it’s back to normal November weather…. When I was a young man, they would call what we had here an “Indian Summer”…. I haven’t heard that term for years, so I guess they … Continue reading “What The Heck Happened Overnight?”

Good Day…. And a Tom Terrific Tuesday to you! Yes, I know this is tardy today, but…. I told you yesterday that I had scans today, and I forgot to say that there would be no Pfennig… But as it goes, I was the first in, first out of the CT room, and I was … Continue reading “Listen…. Do You Want To Know A Secret?”

Good Day… And a Marvelous Monday to you! Well, I was so excited one minute and then let down the next minute, watching my beloved Mizzou Tigers this past weekend… This is a memo to all defense Coordinators, college or pro…. “The Prevent Defense Doesn’t Work!” I shook my head in total disgust, watching that … Continue reading “Has The Metals Selling Stopped?”

Good Day… And a Tub Thumpin’ Thursday to one and all! Every time I turn on our Blues so afar this season, I watch the blow a lead, and lose the game… So, maybe I should keep away from their telecasts! My new GI doc was a hoot! She said she had read my entire … Continue reading “Sounding Like A Broken Record!”

Good Day… And a Wonderful Wednesday to you! Well, my son, Alex’s wedding is fast approaching, and yesterday I had to go and have my new tux’s legs hemmed… Not that the woman doing the sewing was going to hand them back to me done, I’ll have to go back and pick them up next … Continue reading “And The STUPID CPI Is?….”

Good Day… And a Tom Terrific Tuesday to you! And… I hope you had a 3-day weekend, with it being Veterans Day yesterday… I don’t mean to bore you with the same story I tell each year on Veterans Day, but here it is…. My dad was a veteran of WWII… He rarely said anything … Continue reading “Another Engineered Takedown! UGH!”

Good Day… And a Tub Thumpin’ Thursday to one and all! Well, my trip to the heart & Vascular Center yesterday, brought me nothing new, and the hospital told me to go home, and not come back! We’ve decided to postpone the heart surgery procedure they suggested I do a month ago, and I’m good … Continue reading “It’s A FOMC Day!”